Super Strong Starting Song Stages

Have you ever thought about your process of learning a song? If you had to learn a song by next week, do you know what you would do to "learn" it? I ask, because I'm supposed to learn a lot of songs for a youth camp that's quickly approaching, and I thought I would just share with you what I'm doing to learn them in a creative way. If you're a professional, (or trying to be) you will lose your job very quickly if you show up not knowing the songs you're playing. They won't ask you to play again. That's the professional world. So I would like to encourage you (and myself) to have some professionalism and at least learn the songs before you show up on Sunday. So here's what I do to learn a song. To learn anything, you have to spend time with it. You shouldn't expect to play a song like you've been playing it your whole life when in reality, you've only spent an hour learning the song. Personally, I see the song le...